When editing your contacts, you can suggest a photo for their profile. You can choose your own picture for a contact – only you will see it on their profile.
Reminder: All cached media you remove remains accessible in the cloud and can be re-downloaded if needed.
Cache size is now calculated a lot faster. The new design helps you see what's taking up space.
Separate tabs with Media, Files, and Music from all chats let you quickly clear the largest files. You can choose how long cached media is kept in Private Chats, Groups, and Channels – and add exceptions for specific chats. You can wrap photos and videos you send in a fuzzy cover by selecting media in the attachment menu and tapping (⋯) > Hide With Spoiler.
We found someone's letter to Santa and implemented everything on the list:. HIDDEN MEDIA, ZERO STORAGE USAGE, NEW DRAWING TOOLS, PROFILE PICTURES FOR YOUR CONTACTS, AND PUPPIES. SELECT CHATS FOR BOTS: Bot developers can now let users quickly select groups, channels or contacts that meet predefined criteria (more in This release also contains crash fix for macOS 10.12.6 and other improvements. TRENDING EMOJI: As a Premium user, check out trending emoji packs in the emoji panel and long press an emoji to zoom in. MEDIA PERMISSIONS IN GROUPS: Control whether members of your groups can send 9 distinct media types – like Photos, Voice or Video Messages. NETWORK USAGE: Check how much of your data was spent on Telegram in the updated Network Usage section in Settings. CHAT TRANSLATION: As a Premium user, translate entire chats in real time as you scroll them or receive new messages. EMOJI CATEGORIES: Filter stickers and emoji by categories like "love", "celebration" or "sleeping" in the sticker and emoji tabs. This Telegram update adds a few major improvements:. Bug fixes, performance improvements and all that jazz. Power saving mode turns on automatically based on battery charge. Individual autoplay settings for videos, GIFs, stickers, animated emoji and more. New switch to disable all resource-intensive processes with one click. Your chat partner can apply the same wallpaper – or choose their own. Set a custom wallpaper for any 1-on-1 chat. You can create multiple invite links to give different people access to different chats in the folder. Anyone you invite can add the folder and join all its chats in one tap. Share folders that include dozens of chats with friends or colleagues.